Saturday September 4, 2010 12:37
Sprint EVO 4G review

I didn’t care for the EVO 4G when I first got it, viagra 100mg but then after I customized it With launcher pro I ended up liking it very much. but here are the bads which could be a deal breaker for you:
1) The plastic next to the power cracked after a week of use (and i was really gentle with the phone)
2) The Camera lens sits flush with the surface you put it on, for sale big no no, why would they design it like that ?
3) I wasn’t too happy with the picture quality. but it wasn’t horrible. Let’s Just say it might as well be a 2-3mp camera
4) The action buttons on the bottom are very very sensitive just the tinniest touch and they get activated.
5) The device could use noise canceling 2nd mic. It tended to not understand my voice commands.
I didn’t get the Epson screen and i thought the screen was really good visually. The touch was so so, the iphone and the epic have better touch hardware.
The 30 fps limit didn’t have any negative effect on my experience.
Hope this helps and comments are always welcomed.
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