Sunday October 25, 2009

I love it when I find a new cool site.

This site lets you search and play most songs:

Comments welcome!… Read the rest

Friday October 23, 2009

Ahmed and Salim – Icy Tower…

Another one 🙂

[youtube NhB8eIVKavM]… Read the rest

This looks like a kindle killer.   I’ll have to see it in person but it looks very promising.

The major selling feature is the color multi touch screen.

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Tuesday October 20, 2009

Achmed and Salim newest video – LIKE

One of my favorite youtube series has a new clip 🙂

[youtube 7lvZ7I3VDVI]… Read the rest

I’m very excited about this platform, treat i think it  dominate the market if things play right.

Among the nice things this article points:

  • Shake to refresh (Cool idea !)
  • Native support for exchange and facebook.
  • Unified inbox.
  • Google Maps now supports layers
  • Direct record to youtube !
  • Amazon Music now works over 3G

Much more   🙂 the rest

I didn’t know this, i always thought it is better to keep the heater at higher temp (the idea that it will work less often)

Great little tool, have been using it for years…

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I didn’t know this, pfizer i always thought it is better to keep the heater at higher temp (the idea that it will work less often) the rest

[youtube 4xMgjVHTLbY]… Read the rest

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