Wednesday December 10, 2014
This is mostly a plug in problem, to easily figure out which one is doing it use the command and conquer technique.
Move half of the plugins in the wp-contentplugins to a different folder on your server. (so basically move the complete plug ins folders)
Check if you can log in.
If you can’t move half of the remaining and so on.
As soon as you can log into WordPress admin section, take back the batch that was causing the … Read the rest
So I decided to plunge into the realm of keyless door locks. For some reason I was really impressed with the Kwikset Kevo and I decided to get it.
Let me just say that at the end of the day I was really disappointed with the device. On paper it’s wonderful but when you dig deep and start using it you realize how flawed it is.
Here are the reasons why I did not like this device and decided … Read the rest
Wednesday October 29, 2014
This is mostly a plug in problem, phthisiatrician to easily figure out which one is doing it use the command and conquer technique.
Move half of the plugins in the wp-contentplugins to a different folder on your server. (so basically move the complete plug ins folders)
Check if you can log in.
If you can’t move half of the remaining and so on.
As soon as you can log into WordPress admin section, take back the batch that was causing … Read the rest
First you have to convert it to Retail using the following command: (all from an elevated Command prompt , right click on command prompt and select Run as Administrator
Set the edition by figuring out which editions it can be converted to using the following command:
dism /online /
So in this case you would put the edition you want it to be set: in the following exmaple it’s ServerStandard and select the appropriate key from this link:… Read the rest
Ever since they announced on the end of life of windows server 2003, ask i’ve been scratching my head how to migrate Adobe contribute publishing server from an old Windows 2003 Server to Windows Server 2012r2 (or any other version)
Well first problem was that I couldn’t get it installed, it would get stuck in the installation screen. the second problem was that i couldn’t figure out where the hell is the configuration file/files located?
So the first … Read the rest
Go to setting page->More Tab->Developer options: (if you don’t know how to enable this option i’ll list it at the end)
Then scroll down all the way to Apps: then in the limit background processes select 4 processes at most.
to enable developer options go to about device and click on the build number repeatedly until it tells you the developer option is enabled.
If this helped you, find consider buying me coffee! Thanks!
Cheers!… Read the rest
You need to add the following key in the registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
You can save it as a .reg key and it will add it to the registry.
or download the txt file and use it as the registry file: background.reg
Next step is to add the background image named: backgroundDefault.jpg
to the following directory:
C:WindowsSystem32oobeinfoackgrounds (You may have to create the last 2 directories)
That’s all folks.
If this helped you, erectile consider … Read the rest
Navigate to: /data/system
Delete the content of the throttle folder
Change permission on throttle folder to read only.
Please comment and let me know if this worked for you! You’re welcome.
(As always i am not responsible to any damage, and etc , bla bla that will happen in any situation)
This usually happens when you switch to new phones.
Make a note for the name of the backup directory under the TWRP folder on … Read the rest
Simply trim a little from the end of the stalk and put in water like a flower.
… Read the rest
Getting this error?

Delete the configuration folder in the following folder:
C:Users\%username%AppDataLocalAdobeContribute CS3
Make sure that contribute is not running and there are no drafts.
Found this useful? put in your comment and/or buy me a cup of joe 🙂 at… Read the rest
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