Using Excel 2010,
1) Load both files
2) copy the older table and paste it to the end of the newer table
3) In the Data Tab Click Remove duplicates

4) you will be prompt with this:

The column names will be obviously different depending on what you have as a header.
Select only a combination of Unique data so for example in this,
I would select just emails.
You can also select First and Last name, But then there … Read the rest
Navigate to: /data/system
Delete the content of the throttle folder
Change permission on throttle folder to read only.
Please comment and let me know if this worked for you! You’re welcome.
(As always i am not responsible to any damage, infertility etc , bla bla that will happen in any situation)… Read the rest
I’ve noticed that whenever the wifi setting on my phone is set to be on at all times even when the screen is off, prevents my phone from going to deep sleep.
So make sure you have it set to only be always on when charging.
Click on Wifi in the settings, and then menu and click advanced.
If this post helped you, please comment.
This will be enough for about 6 rolls (using 1/2 a nori sheet per … Read the rest
I’ve noticed that whenever the wifi setting on my phone is set to be on at all times even when the screen is off, treat prevents my phone from going to deep sleep.
So make sure you have it set to only be always on when charging.
Click on Wifi in the settings, and then menu and click advanced.
If this post helped you, please comment.
Thanks!… Read the rest
Tuesday November 20, 2012
What happens is that this process is responsible to scanning both the internal and external storage for media, now unfortunatly it’s not the best piece of software.
To fix the issue, depending on your android version you have, go to the apps management section and look for Media Storage. Force Stop it and Clear Data. Reboot.
Now it will re-scan and regenerate the database. (It will have high cpu usage for that period of time (a few minutes depending on … Read the rest
but it has a major issue. Watch the video for the full review:
… Read the rest
What happens is that this process is responsible to scanning both the internal and external storage for media, dosage now unfortunately it’s not the best piece of software.
To fix the issue, ampoule depending on your android version you have, go to the apps management section and look for Media Storage. Force Stop it and Clear Data. Reboot.
Now it will re-scan and regenerate the database. (It will have high cpu usage for that period of time (a few minutes … Read the rest
So for this to work you can’t have your bookmarks encrypted.
If you have your bookmarks encrypted the only way to unencrypt what’s stored on google is to go to the dashboard and go to the chrome sync area and click “Stop sync and delete data from Google”. (Make sure you desktop chrome is up to date, here and just in case backup your bookmarks) Once you verified that the request completed, symptoms go to chrome and logout and … Read the rest
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